Comunicazione / Eventi

11 marzo 2021

Webinar: “Save today invest into the future”

Dear members and friends of Confindustria Serbia,
we invite you to join us on Thursday, March 11th  at 3 p.m. for
the webinar 
“Save today invest into the future”!

The webinar, organized by Confindustria Serbia, has to scope to present Geolumen, an Italian company specialized in smart lighting and wireless networking allowing to add smart and easy to use services achieving important energy savings and functionalities.

In the presentation attached you will get a closer insight into Geolumen’s activities and expertise: link

Geolumen got to the Serbian market, with the support of Confindustria Serbia - the Italian business association in Serbia, via the European program for the internationalization of micro and small companies (POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 - ASSE III - OBIETTIVO SPECIFICO 3.4 - AZIONE 3.4.2.): a brief presentation of the program itself will be delivered by Angelo Manciniconsultant specialized in the EU programs.

Besides Confindustria Serbia representatives, Geolumen's CEO Mr. Antonio Domenico Ialeggio and Mr. Mancini, a representative of the Serbian ministry of energy will be present during the webinar, that will last no longer than an hour.